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 Effective January 5, 2024

Product Unit
Unit List

Roofing Products


#1 white cedar shingles

25 sqft @ 5" exposure Order bdl $160.00   roofing / siding, on order, non-stock item
#2 & better white cedar shingle 25 sqft @ 5" exposure Stock bdl $130.00  roofing / siding
#2 & better white cedar 5" pre-cut capping 50" coverage Stock pk $18.50  pre-cut cedar capping shingles covering 50" of ridge without starters
 BP Gripguard pre-cut underlay for capping   Stock  foot  $0.50   8" wide upto 60' long 
 Siding Products          
 #3 white cedar siding shingles 25 sqft @ 5" exposure  Stock  bdl  $80.00  siding grade shingles
 #3 4" corner cap shingles 50" coverage
Stock pk $12.50  re-squared 4" shingles for constructing built out capped wall corner.
 Utility Products          
 9/9 utility shims (18 courses x 7 3/4")   Stock pk  $8.50   Due to high demand, all shims are on stock booking until further notice.
 5/8 cubic foot bagged shims    Stock bag  $15.00   Due to high demand, all shims are on stock booking until further notice. 
Packaging Products          
 Cedar Excelsior (wood wool) 2.37 cubic foot box Stock box $35.00  single screen, dry
 Cedar Excelsior (wood wool) 24x32x32" bale  ~80 pounds  Stock   $150.00  single screened.
    8x12x3  2 oz cedar excelsior   ea $15.00  butt joint corners constructed from cedar, white pine or red pine
    12x12x3 4 oz cedar excelsior   ea $20.00  butt joint corners constructed from cedar, white pine or red pine
    12x16x8 16 oz cedar excelsior   ea $35.00  
 Zoa's Garden shed assembled   Order  ea  POR FOB Mill / Dock
 Zoa's Garden Shed panelized   Order  ea  POR FOB Mill / Dock
 Bagged Kindling          
Cedar and Pine fine split 12" long kindling 96) 1/2 cubic foot bags     $576.00 FOB Mill pallet quantity only area code 613/343 protected

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Prices are in Canadian funds.
        While we would entertain trades in kind or in other currencies, products or            services, Canadian dollars are our baseline. Terms of such in kind trades          will have to be negotiated on a case by case basis.
  2. Prices are FOB mill excluding any applicable taxes.
        We can offer FOB Manitoulin Transport or Cassidy Transfer and Storage dock     drop over a certain volume at no additional charge at our discretion. Please do     not feel constrained to use these carriers. Should you choose to use a different     carrier, I will happily provide that carrier of your choice with details of our yard     conditions and location.
  3. Freight is to be arranged and pre-paid by the customer.
        In order to reduce potential confusion, we request that freight be arranged by     you for your order. There are aspects about your location that the shipper will     wish answered. It is my opinion that those answers are best provided by you.     We will need a copy of the Bill of Lading issued by the carrier prior to the drop     or pick up.
  4.  All orders are to be pre-paid prior to shipment via cash, cheque or certified     cheque at our discretion or e-transfer.
        If e-transfer is your preferred method of payment, please contact me for     particulars.
  5. For US orders accepted in US currency, published exchange rate at the     time of order will be used for conversion purposes.
  6. We reserve the right to substitute a higher grade material if available in the event     of a shortage at our discretion.
  7. We reserve the right, without prejudice, to accept or decline any contract offer at     our discretion, with or without explanation. 

Not all shingle mills pack their shingles the same.

Whether you choose to purchase from us or not, please be aware that you should ask your supplier how much coverage at what exposure you are receiving. You will find that some mills are packing their shingles in a fashion that will not allow for a triple coverage.

white cedar shingle sidingwhite cedar shingle siding

Unfortunately with the trend of cost increases to lumber and plywood any requests for panels or sheds will have to be priced on a case per case basis.

Please note:
If you are intending to pay via e-transfer on pick up, it may take up to 45 minutes for
the transfer to clear. You may wish to send the transfer prior to your arrival and retain the answer
to the security question until you accept the material.

bagged firewood and kindlingbagged firewood and kindlingFor pallet and load lots of our bagged kindling within 613/343, please contact Andy at:

A&D Firewood
(613) 913-0828

Manitoulin Transport Customer Service:    1-800-265-1485

Cassidy's Transfer and Storage:    1-800-663-6615